Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sunita a little better Today

The lady I wrote about below is named Sunita.  I went to see her again this morning as I had not paid for the groceries as I had no money on me at the time.  The shop keeper knows us so it was okay.  I went to her room and she was cooking some onions and spinach into some soup on the little stove and she looked happy doing it.  I asked where the other groceries were but she told us that she was too frightened to take them in case I did not come back to pay for them.  All she had was the onion, spinach and the biscuits which she had given her son to take to school for lunch.  She has them all now plus some baby clothes I had in my room and shirts for Rajesh.
I have had an offer from one of my Australian sponsors to sponsor Rajesh to go to school and we thank him for that.
We were out today registering students and visited my favorite school here in Kathmandu, City Academy.  The lady principal is a friend and it is always a pleasure to spend time with her.  She has a big heart and has a lot of students on scholarship and houses a few poor families in rooms at the school so I try to help her out by sponsoring some children there.  I have had a boy named Suman there for some years but two or three years ago he started skipping school and not applying himself.  We warned him that he would lose his sponsor if he continued this way.. The following year he was not doing any better and his sponsor decided not to continue and I could not blame him as it looked like we were wasting money on him.  The sponsor, a very good one, went on to sponsor a little girl who I saw today.  Meanwhile Suman continued going to school.  The principal could not turn him away even though she got no payment.  Suman kept saying that Susan would pay for him.  He is doing much better now and when he stood before me today I felt so sorry for him.  I told him that I could not get another sponsor for him as he is 16 now and everyone wants younger children.  He is just starting class nine and has come so far from the little boy we sponsored years ago.  So he went through a bad patch, he has no father and his mother is no role model as she does not support him and comes to the school swearing at the Principal.  I told him I would pay some money for him.  I just could not even imagine not giving him one more chance as if I did'nt it could wreck his life.  He has two years to go to get his school leaving certificate.  So here I go again.  If anyone would like to help him for two years it would be $150 per year as that is what I paid today.  It is really  $350 but I made a deal with my friend the Principal.  I will put his photo when I download it in a minute.

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