Saturday, November 10, 2012

Back in Kathmandu

Today we took the bus from Pokhara to Kathmandu which takes 7 hours.  It is a long rough ride with much to look at along the way.  the ride only costs about 8 dollars, very cheap.  We had a busy but enjoyable time in Pokhara.  Visiting Daumaya in the hospital was upsetting but I am happy to say she has been discharged today.  The condition of the hospital was very distressing.  We certainly are so lucky in Canada and other Western countries to have the high quality medical care and hospitals that we have and free.   A doctor approached me and asked if we could provide some beds which they desperately need.  The bedside table that Daumaya had was all covered in rust so they need those also.  There are so many needs in this country so we have to stick to our agenda of education and schools as best we can although it is easy to want to help in other areas.
We have seen a lot of children but not all of them as this is the time of the two big festivals, Dashain and Tihar so many families are away in their villages visiting relatives so it makes it difficult to visit a lot of people.  Our projects in Kristi, Gunjara and Phumbi Bumdi are progressing well.  Lori and Jay who are here with us are really having an enjoyable and interesting trip.  They have also been very generous to the families that they are sponsoring and by providing for our ladies' literacy picnic.
This week we have more children to visit and as it is Tihar we are going to take part in the Feeding the Street Dog Day which happens on the Kurkur Tihar Day.  [Dog Day].  On this day dogs are blessed and given Tikas on their heads and flower Malas hung around their necks.  The animal treatment centre KAT has planned to feed the street dogs this day and we are looking forward to taking part.
I now have picked up a cold so am going to bed early.  As I lay on my bed it sounds as if a hundred dogs are barking and that continues all night.  Thank goodness for ear plugs but I take them out in the early morning as I love to hear the roosters.

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