Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Matching Literacy Ladies

This afternoon we were back at the school matching literacy ladies with sponsors.  I met a young lady from Vancouver in the restaurant today and she asked to come along with us this afternoon to see what we did.  We were matching two children so she came to those homes with us and we also took some photos of children who need sponsors and I will post those photos here. 
We finished matching the literacy ladies but still have ladies without sponsors.  It is sad as they then feel left out especially as today's class was instruction on how to write a letter to your sponsor.  Andrea, the lady from Vancouver, sponsored a lady which made her very happy.  I love these ladies and always wish I could spend more time with them.  We will return tomorrow to take more photos. 
Tomorrow morning we are taking about 65 children to the dental hospital.  There are three dentists but it seems like an insurmountable task to treat all those children in one day.  We will see. 
This server is still not allowing me to add photos here so will go to the internet shop tomorrow and add some.  I keep adding them everyday to flickr. www.flickr.com/photos/98411

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