Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marathon Training Nearly Finished

The marathon is in two weeks time on October 10th. Thank you to all who have sponsored me. I have trained well and did my last long run in England while visiting my mother. I ran along the cliffs of the south coast which was very inspiring. This marathon is a special event for me as it raising money for NEF and now Nani, who died in Nepal two weeks ago, will be very much in my thoughts. A year ago I ran a half marathon at the time my dog Chilko was dying and I ran it for him as he had been my running partner for many years. This year I will run the marathon for NEF and all it stands for and of course in remembrance of dear Nani. His loss is great. A young man who would have spent his life in service to underprivileged children is now gone at only 25 years old with so much more to give.
I will post his photo here soon. I have just returned home. Mann also will send some photos soon when life is a little more normal for him.

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