Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today and tomorrow is the festival of Tihar or Diwali and it is really quite unbelievable. The lights and flowers every where looks very wonderful and the singing and dancing is great also. the worst thing is the fire crackers which never seem to stop and they are thrown from buildings and across the street which is most dangerous.
I visited quite a few children today but some were not at home because of the holiday. I visited both tea shops and both are still doing well. I delivered more letters which are always well received. Yesterday we took one family, Auntie Dickie and Yangji, out for lunch which was a nice change for them. Aunty Dickie always makes us something when we visit so we thought it would be nice to treat her.
On Friday we leave for Pokhara and on Saturday we start our trek up to Chimkhola to see the school.
Tomorrow is a big celebration for Tihar which are spending with Jagat, Mann and Kamal and their families.

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