Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Phumdi Bumdi

We started working at this school a few years ago providing a library and the Qatar donors provided computers.  Over the next couple of years we helped with painting and Carol and Keith helped with the new buildings.  This year $10,000 was donated by a Qatar mountaineer, Julian, which will pay for a new library and computers rooms.  A Japanese NGO have donated a large amount of money for the new the school building.  
This school is a total success.  This school is all poor and low caste children and they speak quite good English.  The children are amazing.  14 children are sponsored through NEF.  One little boy who received a book would not let go of it.  I asked him if I could see it but no chance.  Finally he let go of the letter so I could read it to him.  I think it must be the first gift he ever received and no way was he letting go of it.  Also a child with a photo of her sponsor.

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