Monday, November 11, 2013

Arrived in Nepal

We arrived in Nepal yesterday after a holiday in Sri Lanka and three days in Mumbai.  While in Mumbai we visited Dharvari which is Asia's largest slum.  It was a world within a world with its own industries, schools and communities.  It was a experience I shall not forget.  The working conditions were dismal and the pollution extreme.  No photos were allowed for obvious reasons.  I cannot stop thinking about it but we were pleased we went.  The poor living there worked long hours for little pay, they ask for nothing from outside and each industry supports each other.  Our young guide grew up there and still lives there with his family.  This year he graduates as a pharmacist.  So with education and determination anything is possible.  One million people living in one and a half square kilometres.
Today in Nepal is a strike day, the election takes place next week and so there maybe more strikes.  We were able to get out and see some children who live close by.  They were so happy with their letters.  A couple of sponsors have sent photos of the children that I had sent them. This is a great idea and the children loved it and their parents also.  Photos below of Asmitia and Rabina with their letters.  Also Rajesh and his mother and sister.  This family I wrote about here in the spring as I found them in bad condition and Rajesh not in school.  The new sponsor helped them and today they are much improved and the mother looked happy and Rajesh much healthier.
I will try posting the photos tomorrow as I have been trying for half an hour now with no luck.  Usual Internet problems.

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