Monday, November 1, 2010

Dental Program

For the dental money that has been raised we are able to have treatment for 37 children and 3 women. Some of the children had up to 8 fillings needed. The first ten went to the dentist today, some will have to have a few visits to complete the work needed. We now have a second list from the children who had their teeth inspected yesterday. When we get more money these children will have treatment. Remember when it comes to Christmas gifts that you can buy dental treatment for a child for $38 and the recipient will receive a card telling them of your gift. This is a great program for these children and women have never been to a dentist before and without our help would not in the future. I am really satisfied with this. Mann did a great job setting it all up. The dentists, there are two of them, are within walking distance so we do not have to pay out money for transportation. They will also receive instruction on how to brush and care for their teeth.
Tomorrow it is the Women's graduation ceremonies in two different locations.

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