Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Successful SLC Results

We have 9 students who have passed their School Leaving Certificate examination. One who failed one subject but he can retake it in two weeks time. 6 of these are girls. All are wanting to go onto college. This will make 15 students that NEF has in college. The majority being girls. I am very happy with this. It proves that we are making a difference.

I was at a street sale in Chemainus last Saturday and had a very good day. I was selling Nepali Handicrafts and some left over garage sale items. We made $700 less the cost of the goods but that was a profitable day.

There are two Canadian volunteers at High Mount School in Simpani. They emailed me and asked if I knew of a school where they could volunteer for one month. The principal at High Mount has been asking me for volunteers for a long time so he was delighted to be able to have them at his school. Here they can also help with the women's literacy. They are both post graduate students.

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