Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Duncan Rotary Presentation

Yesterday, January 14th, I did a presentation to Duncan Noontime Rotary on the Chalnakhel School Project which went very well and it was well received.  President, Gordon Butt, presented me with a cheque to NEF for $2000 to go towards the project.  That will be added to the $5000 from Duncan Daybreak Club to make it $7000 for the project.  We are very grateful to Duncan Rotary Clubs for their donation and vision.  The school is delighted and so very happy to know that their students will now have safety and finished classrooms which they so desperately need.

Please see story and photos below in previous post.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Chalnakhel School

The Chalnakhel Village School, near Hattiban is outlined earlier in this blog.  I am happy to report that the Duncan Daybreak Rotary Club and the Duncan Noontime Rotary Club have partnered to complete this  school project.

The school's second floor has been unfinished for the last three years.  The government gave the money to start it but even though the teachers and villagers put in money there was never enough to complete it.  The balcony had no railing and children had fallen off and broken limbs.  It was a horror story.  The railings have already been constructed and will soon be installed as will the grills for the windows.  There is enough money to finish the rooms, put in the railing and gates, finish the latrines and provide desks.  The school is very happy about this.  It is a government school catering to very poor children and low caste children.  There are approx. 180 students.  Because they have been short of space they are having to use the upstairs unfinished classrooms.

Our thanks to the Duncan Rotary Clubs again for helping school children to have a better and safer environment.